Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cachagua Fire's Pride...

October 18, 2008...

"Guys, I'm hoooo-ome!!"

This just in from Chief Skee Stanley of Cachagua Fire:
Cachagua Fire Protection District has a new (used) engine. The District purchased a Boise Mobile Equipment Engine from Mt. Jackson Fire Department in VA. 

The new E-7731 has 28,000 mile on her, 500 gallon Poly tank, 1,000 gpm pump w/ pump and roll capabilities. 

E-7731 will be at West-Mark in Ceres, CA for the next 30 days for some modifications and a complete service. I estimate the the new E-7731 will be in service by 12.01.2008. 

Yes she will be painted red and we will be keeping the white hood and cab top.

Congratulations to Chief Stanley and Cachagua Fire!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

On travel to the East Coast through 10/5...

Hi, gang! 

I'll be doing limited posting due to being on the road, and nowhere near the Chalk Fire action, through Sunday, 10/5... 

Back in the saddle on Monday the 6th. 

All the best to our friends in Big Sur South and KUSP listeners!
