July 12, 2008, about 3:15 pm...
The Martin Mars Super Scooper flies over our little corner of Jamesburg...
Important Meetings:
There will be a meeting on Saturday July 12, at 18:30 hours at the Tularcitos fire station on Cachagua Road.
There will be another meeting on Sunday July 13, at the community center at 18:30 hours.
Latest MODIS Map...

Here's a photo of a tanker drop Dr. Eric Walter, of U.C. Hastings Natural History Reserve, took at 3:17 pm today. The tanker is visible to the left of the red streaming ribbon to the right of the pic.
The shot was taken from the top of Poison Oak Hill looking over Carmel Valley Road towards Chews Ridge. This photo shows the fire that has jumped the dozer line. A new dozer line is being constructed in the hopes of containing it should air support not be able to stop it.

Eric's picture as seen from MODIS...

News from "Anonymous" commenting on radio scanner traffic...
"The pilots (fixed wing and rotors) all seem happy with the progress today. I guess tonight will be the test, eh? I'm not sure what happened last night that it jumped the dozer line without anyone noticing until this morning. But, all the radio traffic seems fairly calm. I'll let you know if I hear anything."
Thanks, Anon! (very Shakespearean,no?)
Too bad I can't make it to the meeting in Cachagua tonight.. If I go I won't be able to return home.
I'll record it and put the highlights up here on the 'blog tonight.
Audio will be available at KUSP as soon as possible, perhaps tonight!
I am unable to enlarge your excellent map and I really want to see it!
Not very computer savvy, so maybe it's just me...
Can you help?
Thanks and stay safe!
Caren, let me see what I can do!!! Thanks for the good wishes!
Caren, I'm not having any luck on enlarging the map, but if you send me an email, I'll return the map as an attachment.
The visibility was very poor today, that might have been part of the late identity. Around 10ish, I heard someone say there was about 20 acres over the line on fire. It seemed to take a long time to get aircraft in the air.
It's too bad I missed the meeting. Thanks for posting the summary!
After the love I got from the CHP at the Tassajara checkpoint, I wasn't about to leave.
For a point of view from a Big Surian on their community and interactions with the Monterey County Sheriff's Deputies, see:
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